e-mail: wrozbita.bazyli@gmail.com

Łączna liczba wyświetleń

wtorek, 19 lutego 2019

Hello to everyone who is looking for an answer. I read Tarot, Classic Cards, Lenormand, Runes.

Infinite Intelligence of the Cosmos protects us and silently speaks through our dreams, forebodings, cards, runes, etc, giving us friendly hints in important, life-related matters.

From an early age I often had dreams and premonitions. Then they turned out to be true. Gradually, it made me realize that I can read the cosmos's instructions.

For over a dozen years I have been exploring the secrets of the Tarot, Classic Cards, Lenormand, Run, etc.

I use all these media when making a divination for you.

Just like many people whom I have helped so far, you can ask about everyday matters, love and emotional relationships, business and finance, family and professional situation, etc.

Please enter your name and date of birth (you must be over 18 years old!) As well as your question or questions.

If the divination is to apply to another person, please also give her name and date of birth.

I do not bode for underage people.
I do not foretell the date of death.
My interpretations of cards should never be treated as a substitute for counseling in the field of psychology, medicine or law.

I invite you! :)
